Stanley was a rare soul – the kind that leaves you forever changed for the better. Prenatally diagnosed with Trisomy 18, his life was destined to be short, but Stanley made a powerful impact on us and all those who came in contact with him.
This site is a way for us to communicate a little of what he meant to us. You may read about his condition, his life story, and the perspectives of family and friends. Our goal is to represent the beauty and worth of one deemed “incompatible with life” who surprised us with his tenacity, his quiet, loving spirit, and how he seemed to have a peace and wisdom that is sadly rare in this turbulent world in which we live.
Stanley, my boy, this site is dedicated to you and to the glory of our Lord who will reunite us on the Great Day of His appearing. This is also dedicated to those who will support those who care for a child with life-threatening disabilities or for you who are facing this yourself.